You'd better believe he's yawning! That's Matt BLASTER, from Deathworld. A message to me: don't quote The Specials anymore...
Sexy Losers
Here is Mrs Shibata, from Sexy Losers, by Hard. You heard me!
You know, there's a whole lotta sleepin' happening. This'd be Scott, Talbon and Aeire, in a bit of a behind-the-scenes PDI pic...
Angry People

Yes Esyla, I've put your Lace pic up.

Read Angry People, people, or you'll be... angry... persons. All of you!

Captain Mike
I love the face on this guy... There's a big sign saying JET in this pic, so I think he's Jet. By Kev B.
Silly Cone V
Best thumbnail ever. Shame I just can't recall which character this is... I'll have to ask scrubbo.
Chucko Liang

Splishy splash. LA Sinclair draws Chucko Liang; the image says who the characters are, so I don't have to.

Bitch is a great name.

Here's that final DeViations pic, it being one of Tess. She's lookin' a bit odd there...